We must have a picture ID for the primary taxpayer and spouse [if applicable]. It must be a state-issued identification.
1150 S.E. Maynard Rd.
Suite 130
Cary, NC 27511
919-535-8403 office
919-535-8413 fax
We must have a picture ID for the primary taxpayer and spouse [if applicable]. It must be a state-issued identification.
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The following two documents must be filled out and returned to us prior to the start of work on any new tax returns.
Number Crunchers' Engagement Letter
Individual Tax Reporting Changes
Please download both documents
"An enrolled agent is a person who has earned the privilege of representing taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service by either passing a three-part comprehensive IRS test covering individual and business tax returns, or through experience as a former IRS employee. Enrolled agent status is the highest credential the IRS awards. Individuals who obtain this elite status must adhere to ethical standards and complete 72 hours of continuing education courses every three years.
Enrolled agents, like attorneys and certified public accountants (CPAs), have unlimited practice rights. This means they are unrestricted as to which taxpayers they can represent, what types of tax matters they can handle, and which IRS offices they can represent clients before. Learn more about enrolled agents in Treasury Department Circular 230 (PDF)."
This Is Pete
Pete is a business owner.
This is Pete attempting to do his own accounting and unknowingly making mistakes.
Do you cringe at the thought of doing you own taxes or do you worry that you may possibly make an error?
This Is Peeta
Peeta is a hardworking single woman.
This is Peeta attempting to do her own taxes and becoming very frustrated.
This is Peeta wishing that she could go on a long vacation and this would all be taken care of when she gets back.
Is This You?
You are a dedicated employee, who has worked all of your life. You have some investments and you have some retirement savings. You own a house and have two children.
Do you really want to do your own taxes and risk losing some of your hard-earned money?
Call for your appointment today!
There was a man who computed his taxes for 1997 and found that he owed $3407. He packaged up his payment and included this letter:
"Dear IRS, Enclosed is my 1997 tax return and payment. Please take note of the attached article from USA Today newspaper. In this article, you will see that the Pentagon is paying $171.50 for hammers and NASA has paid $600.00 for a toilet seat. Please find enclosed four toilet seats (value $2400.00) and six hammers (value $1029). This brings my total payment to $3429.00 Please note the overpayment of $22.00 and apply it to the "Presidential Election Fund", as noted on my return. Might I suggest you send the above mentioned fund a "1.5 inch screw". (Se attached article - HUD paid $22.00 for a 1.5 inch Phillips Head Screw.)
It has been a pleasure to pay my tax bill this year, and I look forward to paying it again next year.
John Doe"
An auditor is hard at work auditing a manufacturing plant. He spots one worker at the end of his shift. That worker is always carrying a wheelbarrow covered with an opaque cloth. The auditor is certain something is fishy. He asks the security to check the wheelbarrow. Many surprise checks later, security finds nothing. In the last day of the audit the auditor goes to the worker and asks, "Alright, I give up. I know you are taking something. I can not prove it. I do not want to pursue it. I just want to know. What are you stealing?" The worker replies, "wheelbarrows".
If you love something, set it free.
If it comes back, it will always be yours.
If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with.
If it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, used your telephone, takes your money, and doesn't appear to realize that you actually
set it free in the first place, you either married it or gave birth to it.
Either of which is probably tax deductible.
For every tax problem there is a solution which is straightforward, uncomplicated, and wrong.
Q: How do you drive an accountant completely insane?
A: Tie him up to a chair, stand in front of him, and fold up a road
map the wrong way.
To the optimist, the glass is half full.
To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.
To the accountant, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
A philosopher had a curious thought then decided to inquire with knowledge sources to obtain the answer. He decided to ask a religious priest, a college professor, a high court judge and, an esteemed accountant.
When he asked the priest, "What is one plus one?"
Looking down and then back to eye level as if he was ready to provide a sermon, the priest replied. "I belie-e-e-eve," one plus one is two."
When he asked the professor, "What is one plus one?"
Smacking his open hand with a ruler to the beat, the professor replied. "I have always taught," one plus one is two."
When he asked the judge, "What is one plus one?"
Changing his volume for emphasis, the judge replied. "By PRESSIDENCE," one plus one is two."
When he asked the accountant, "What is one plus one?"
The accountant rearranged the visor of his hat, turned his head both ways scanning to see who is within listing distance, leaned in close to whisper, "What do you want it to be?"
1150 S.E. Maynard Rd.
Suite 130
Cary, NC 27511
919-535-8403 office
919-535-8413 fax
Tax Season Hours
(Feb 1 - Apr 15):
Monday - Friday: 9:30 AM-
6:30 PM
Regular Hours
(Non-Tax Season):
Monday - Thursday: 9:30 AM- 5:00 PM
Friday 9:30 AM - 12:00
Regular Hours May Vary - Appointments Encouraged